Project Year丨項目年份:2019
Location 丨項目地址: 成都
Project Leader丨項目負責人:代以艷
Space Designer丨空間設計師:王璐瑩
Deepening Designers丨深化設計師:涂望
▼ 門店 The store
The design expresses the geometric shapes such as polygons and arcs of volume, and realizes the scene of space through lines and surfaces. Use neutral black, white and grey to create the space color of the whole exhibition center.
"No colour, only material" focuses on displaying the product itself. In this middle, we use the color of the product itself to discover, explore and create.
▼ 平面圖 The floor plan
▼ 頂視圖 Top view
▼ 陳列展示空間 Display space